Friday, February 15, 2013

A Drive

I have finally gotten my drivers liscence, and I have been using it! I have been driving to school for several weeks now, and every morning, the same Q&A session happens with my poor dear parents.

" Daaaaaddy darlin'? Can I take your car to school?"

"No. You can take the minivan."

"Maaaaaaaaaaama, may I drive your car to school?"

"No, dear. Take the minivan."

And off I careen in the brick-like minivan. Sure, it has brakes and it goes, but I prefer Dad's sporty little toyota, or Mom's P.T. Cruiser (um, convertable!).

Today, however, I got to take the convertable because Mom needed the minivan to drive on a school field trip.

I griped about the parking in the convertable, because it practically has the turn radius of an eighteen wheeler, but after school, after chatting with some friends in the parking lot, my sister and I rolled down the roof (it is 57*) and we glided home, sunglasses on and blond hair waving.

Actually, I only thought to roll down the roof when we stopped at the dry cleaners.

Of course, the ride home wasn't quite as glamourous as it might seem. While I concentrated on the road, my sister switched the channels. First, we listened to a BBC radio special about the meat-processing scandel in the Netherlands, then a folk music marathon.

I know it is really naughty to laugh while you're driving, but I certainly laughed when we got home.

-The Old Fashioned Girl

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